Katariina Kimpimäki
My name is Katariina Kimpimäki.
I have studied hospitality industry altogether for 9 years. I have three degrees from vocational school; Service Manager in catering-industry, baker-confectioner’ degree and a professional’s degree in food services.
I also have a Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Industry from the University of Applied Sciences.
I have extensive work experience both in commercial kitchens and from restaurants; as a waitress and
a cook / chef. Thanks to this, today’s special diets have become very familiar. Since 2004, my resume has accumulated e.g. the following jobs: Waitress, hostess, kitchen hand, “dishwasher”, restaurant worker, bartender, restaurant manager and restaurant executive. Almost 20 years of experience in various kitchen and restaurant jobs has given me a solid foundation for the current duties of the “hostess of the Manor”. Nowadays my work mostly consists of cooking and baking, but as an entrepreneur, my job description includes all the tasks involved in running the company.
I have traveled extensively around the world learning and studying whenever and wherever I could.
In Australia, I have studied and also done one University of Applied Sciences’ internship, in Malaysia I studied business administration.
After years of living elsewhere in Finland and around the world, making a return move to Southern Ostrobothnia however was an easy decision. Here I have a strong support network from my family as well as from professionals in the field. Running my own business has been a dream since vocational school days. And finally at Christmas 2017 I bought Kuorasjärvi’s old folk school. Since then, along with the restaurant operating, we have started to renovate and restore the building towards its new-found glory.
It’s just that there’s no end in sight…